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MetaStock is the next generation of P2E Node-mining games.

  What is Metastock?

Metastocks is a business management game where players take on the role of the CEO of a company. The game starts when you create a company, and players can build as many companies as they want. Each company (node) pays divided (prize).

Nodes are simply collections of data points that reward users for their creation and use. Each node generates a pre-determined number of coins/tokens. Each token can be used to create more nodes, which increases the daily reward, or they can be sold on the open market in exchange for the underlying liquidity pair coin. 

MetaStock has provided award-winning analytical tools for independent traders for almost 30 years. Our line of professional-grade trading software and data is designed for active traders of all levels. We have options for day traders, swing traders and position traders to trade stocks, options, futures, FOREX and more. Our global market data gives Thomson Reuters the world leader in real-time data and news. At the heart of MetaStock are PowerTools which give traders the ability to scan the market, backtest, apply buy and sell signals, and even view the possible future price of a particular security with the new FORECASTER MetaStock.


Company and business

Metastock is a business management game where you have to take on the role of CEO of a COMPANY, buy several companies to become the best CEO of the year.

The game begins when you create your company. You can create as many companies as you want. Each business (node) pays dividends (rewards).

Nodes are collections of data points that reward users for their creation and use. Each node generates a pre-determined number of coins/tokens.

Each token generated can be used to create more nodes to increase the daily reward or sold on the market in exchange for the underlying liquidity paired coin.

The game begins when you create your company. You can create as many companies as you want. Each business (node) pays dividends (rewards).

Nodes are collections of data points that reward users for their creation and use. Each node generates a pre-determined number of coins/tokens.

Each token generated can be used to create more nodes to increase the daily reward or sold on the market in exchange for the underlying liquidity paired coin.

Purchase fees and dividends

Each network has different purchase costs, maintenance costs, and benefits.

As an example:

Creating a company on BSC costs 0.3 BNB, you earn 1% daily and 10% maintenance fee.

If the company is created in another chain, the manufacturing costs, profits, and maintenance costs will be different.


General information and recommendations for trading the Metastock $MTSKS token are as follows:

There will be a 0% fee for compounding.

There will be a 10% fee for claims.

There is a 0% fee for buying and 0% for selling $MTSKS tokens.

Transferring $MTSKS tokens is free.

Using Keeper comes with a number of key advantages, including the following:

Decentralized Execution

Chainlink Keeper provides reliable, trust-minimized automation that doesn't rely on a single point of failure, reducing the risks associated with centralized servers and manual procedures.

Productivity Boost

Projects using Chainlink Keeper can reduce the amount of time spent on DevOps, reduce the amount of operational overhead, and simplify the software development process.

Enhanced Security

Chainlink Keeper can self-sign on-chain transactions, making it tamper-resistant and immune to Sybil attacks. This allows automatic smart contract execution without revealing the private key.

Simple to use

The codeless graphical user interface of Chainlink Keepers Job Scheduler allows developers to quickly and easily plan time-based automation activities.

Chainlink Keeper Cost Reduction

Run off-chain computing for smart contracts in an efficient manner, allowing developers to create feature-rich decentralized applications (dApps) at lower prices.

Main feature

P2E Games

A very fun game where you will earn money by creating companies and franchises.

Very low tax

As we know that successful projects are driven by marketing alone, we created a special wallet for this but at the same time with very small taxes to attract new investors.


A p2p marketplace for users to buy and sell part or all of the franchise.


You can also borrow money from other users to buy franchises.

How to get $MSTKS

Metastock tokens will be available for purchase on Pancakeswap and other platforms.

The main network will be BSC, and then we will expand to other platforms.

$MTSKS is officially listed on @CoinMarketCap

Some of the core benefits of using Keeper include:

  • Decentralized Execution — Chainlink Keeper provides reliable, trust-minimized automation without a single point of failure, reducing risks around manual processes and centralized servers.
  • Improved Efficiency — Projects using Chainlink Keeper can reduce time spent on DevOps, minimize operational overhead, and streamline development workflows.
  • Enhanced Security — Sybil's tamper-resistant, tamper-resistant Chainlink guards self-sign on-chain transactions, enabling automated smart contract execution without unlocking private keys.
  • Easy to use — Developers can schedule time-based automation jobs in seconds using   the codeless  UI of  Chainlink Keepers Job Scheduler .
  • Cost Reduction — Chainlink Keeper performs efficient off-chain computing for smart contracts, enabling developers to build feature-rich dApps at lower cost.


Company Print

Hire employees to earn more money

Create more FREE business with your earnings

Combine your returns and earn passive income. All this with 0 tax tokens.

Chainlink Announcement: August 15, 2022 16:00 UTC

Presale: August 14, 2022 17:00 UTC

Launch: August 15, 2022 17:00 UTC

Pre-sale details:

Sales type: whitelist presale (whitelist only)

Maximum contribution: 2BNB(4000 $MTSKS)

Minimum contribution: 0.1BNB


0% tax on sales and 0% tax on purchases

Team tokens are awarded.

Company Rewards Contract Incremental Release (CRCIR) tokens are awarded.

Pre-sale tokens will not be issued.

No daily sales limit


Stage 1

Make landings, games and contracts

Stage 2

Contract audit

Stage 3

Massive marketing with influencers

Stage 4

Launch and pay more marketing

Stage 5

Done developing P2E game

Stage 6

Solving the market, lending and exchanging

MTSKS is officially listed at CoinMarketCap

Continent and business


Gun manufacturers

food company

Architectural company

Real estate company

Construction company

Entertainment company

Vehicle manufacturers

Financial services company

IT company

Marketing company

Mining company

steel company

Tobacco company

Technology company

Telecommunication company

Textile company

Transportation company


CBD Laboratory

Mining company

steel company

Tobacco company

Technology company


tourism company


Fish catching


Architectural company

Real estate company

Construction company

Electronics company

Entertainment company

Financial services company

IT company — Engineering company

Engineering company

Chemical company

Technology company

Telecommunication company


Gun manufacturers

Architectural company

Real estate company

Construction company

Electronics company

Energy company

Sportswear manufacturer

Vehicle manufacturers

Computer company — Engineering company

Engineering company

Mining company

Chemical company

steel company

Technology company

Telecommunication company

Textile company

Transportation company


Mining company

steel company


tourism company


Fish catching

Leadership team

@TeslaDreams43 : CEO / Lead developer

@Rubyboy1 : Community manager

@cryptoforever2023: CMO

@crypto_dev: Senior developer



Whitepaper :


Main Group



Telegram channel:

by ; Vichoo link: :;u=2579935


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