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Plastic Finance


Plastic Financing I Blockchain Startup in Plastic Waste Management


The problem of plastic waste has become a serious problem together. Therefore, proper handling is needed so that this B3 waste can be processed and produce useful new products. Recycling is one of the most important measures available today to reduce this impact and is one of the most dynamic fields in the plastics industry today. And plastic recycling will also be an alternative that can be used to overcome environmental pollution, because recycling can reduce the amount of plastic waste in the world. repeated is an action that can not be underestimated anymore.

Plastic creates a problem 400 years i.e. 16 generations. 91% not recycled ultimately affects us and the environment. Plastic waste is everywhere, we eat plastic, drink plastic, breathe plastic. Every minute more than 2 trillion plastic bottles are sold, half of them are from Asia, and Indonesia is ranked 2nd under the biggest polluter China.

Currently the term circular economy appears all the time. In the old linear economy, the product cycle was from Manufacturing or create to use phase, and then in the end, the product would be disposed of as Waste Material. But this old linear economy, destroying the earth, not everything we produce is biodegradable. In a circular economy, product life is like a cycle. From manufacturing to use and disposal, we can still recycle and reuse as much as possible. Policymakers around the world want to achieve a more circular economy, reducing the amount of new resources needed to sustain economies and minimizing waste generated.

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Plastic Finance is the first blockchain-based Plastic bank in Indonesia. Eradicate scavengers from poverty. Give access to bank loans to the poor through Defi. Plastic Finance will increase access to jobs, education, services and technology for many Indonesians. Also, help the government to achieve Green planning or ecological based budgeting through soil conservation. Clean the environment while taking advantage of it at the same time.

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What is Plastic Finance?

Plastic financing offers environmental, social and governance also called ESG theme investing using cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. 1 PLAS token at a public sale price is equivalent to 10 kg of carbon dioxide per year and approximately 6.4 tonnes of recycled plastic per year. Recycling Financing Plastics helps with carbon emissions as a number of benefits continue to go green for initiatives such as planting teak trees in areas that need decarbonization.

Plastic Finance empowers plastic waste collectors through cooperatives and DeFi by providing them with financial inclusion and access to education. For every 50 tonnes per hour recycled, 50 people are needed in the supply chain. Plastic Finance aims to recycle 80,000 to 2,16,000 tonnes of plastic mill per year by the end of 2023.

Blockchain technology and stable coins can play a big role in incentivizing households and MRFs to streamline the funding of the plastic recycling industry. Using smart contracts, we can tokenize every type of plastic regrind and pellet, create an internal exchanger, so people and industry can have easy access to monetize plastic waste, plus blockchain provides more transparency for every plastics industry supply chain. In addition, we can create DeFi Dapps (decentralized finance, decentralized application) so that the waste can be pledged as assets.

How the Platform Works

Plastic Finance  works in two ways: empowering the waste community (such as scavengers, scavengers, etc.) and rewarding those involved in the network. Scavengers will be rewarded for their contributions, where they have the option to earn money in tokens or fiat (real) money. If they prefer crypto tokens, they can actually take part in the platform. They can use this platform to gain access to finance, and this is rare because the trash community is usually the unbanked. Well, with this platform, these unbanked people can finally enjoy financial access

Plastic Finance Vision

Using blockchain and DApps, Plastic Finance can streamline the recycling business flow and empower scavengers so they get better care for their hard work. Plastic Finance will create an app that scavengers can use to sell their waste to MRF, exchange it for cash or store it as an asset in the form of grind stable coins that can be pledged on our DeFi platform.

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What is PLAS Token?

PLAS is the native token of the Plastic Finance ecosystem. PLAS was created to fund the Recycling project and serves as a governance and ownership token for earning student dividends or profit sharing from recycling and DeFi transactions, Internal Exchange spreads.

Plastic Finance will collect a 5% fee from the price of the plastic internal exchanger spread, and a 0.175% fee from a savings withdrawal transaction or loan payment on the DeFi platform. All these fees will be collected in the wallet and using a smart contract, can be distributed regularly.

Plastic Finance collects 60% of its net profit annually from the cooperative's recycling business. In turn, Plastic Finance will distribute costs and profit sharing as dividends to PLAS holders.



Plastic Finance focuses on plastic recycling by increasing the productivity of scavengers. We do not disrupt the waste value chain; instead, we add value to the value chain to benefit all parties. in addition, we support a tree replanting program to remove carbon from CO2 pollution, further strengthening our commitment to a circular economy.


Plastic Finance aims to empower the waste community. We focus on activities that will increase their self-esteem, which increases their productivity and well-being.


Our efforts to enrich the recycling system and empower the waste community can be sustained and expanded with the help of the investment community. with DApps and DeFi, we are democratizing access for everyone to take part in a global mission of recycling and empowerment


Can play a big role in incentivizing every household and MRF to streamline the financing of the plastic recycling industry. Using smart contracts, we can tokenize every type of plastic regrind and pellet, create an internal exchanger, so that people and industry can have easy access to monetize plastic waste. In addition, we can create DeFi Dapps so that these wastes can be pledged as assetsinnomicsTicker: PLAS Token Type: BEP-20 MainNet Token Address: 0xCe34caAEe0b691F8e4098DC31CC8818A1dCcF06A Token Sale Address: 0x1800C25a3Ed60B41766B8EE94f40CE05A84407aBTotal Proceeds of PLAS Supply Tokens : 23.900.000 metric profit for recycling projects can be spent buying seeds of 500-1280 teak trees, which is good for up to 10 kilograms of CO2 Absorption annually and for each tree. Plastic financing from PEACE, takes the circular flow of the economy one step further, due to pressure from constant numbers of plants and trees to work with licensed farmer organizations such as the SINERGY FOUNDATION programme, each in the amount of plastic recycling in the context of using token holders simultaneously will discuss 3 things, namely recycling plastic waste and cooking bait for the community and public finances, and the absorption of carbon dioxide by plants, trees, several trees, which can contribute 10 kg Co2 per year, so the initiative will lead to a potential decarbonization of 21,000-40,000 tons of CO2-over 3 years.Roadmap RECYCLING, RECYCLING — USING, SEJAHTERA1 PLAS Token = 6.4 Tons of Recycled Plastic/Year.Mission1. We advance to the global economy, and the improvement of the Plastic and Financial waste management system, focus on the recycling of plastic materials is the improvement of collector efficiency. What we need to do in undisturbed in the fall of the year, but we can add value to the supply chain for the benefit of all stakeholders. In addition, we have trees in a transplant program to remove carbon from CO2 pollution, which will continue to increase our participation at the roundtable. 2. We give garbage to the community, and have a higher social status in the community. Plastic funding is committed to promoting waste materials in the community to take advantage of opportunities. We want to focus on activities that will increase their self-esteem, increase their productivity and well-being. 3. We will have more affordable access to ESG funds. In our efforts to improve our exhaust gas and waste recycling systems large communities can be used to support and invest in our communities. With dApps, and Security system, we democratize access for everyone, to participate in global missions of recovery and awareness.Media Partner PlatformConclusionPlastics and Finance, focus on recycling plastic materials is increasing collector efficiency. Plastics do not lead to the breakdown of waste in the value chain; instead, it adds value to the supply chain to the benefit of all parties involved. In addition, we have trees in the transplant program to remove carbon from CO2 pollution and to further strengthen our commitment to cutting the economy.Project Information :️ Plastics do not lead to the breakdown of waste in the value chain; instead, it adds value to the supply chain to the benefit of all parties involved. In addition, we have trees in the transplant program to remove carbon from CO2 pollution and to further strengthen our commitment to cutting the economy.Project Information :️ Plastics do not lead to the breakdown of waste in the value chain; instead, it adds value to the supply chain to the benefit of all parties involved. In addition, we have trees in the transplant program to remove carbon from CO2 pollution and to further strengthen our commitment to cutting the economy.Project Information :️

Website: ️

Twitter Resmi:@plastic_finance️Whitepaper:




by ; Vichoo link: :;u=2579935


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