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easy way to complete work on blockchain

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What is HiveNet?

HiveNet is a Distributed Cloud Computing Network, which connects
computers around the world to do valuable computing tasks.
Can you imagine your computer making money while you sleep?
HiveNet turns your computer's idle time into income!
During this time, the power of your computer is safely leased to paying customers who carry out calculations (eg scientific research, weather forecasts, big data analysis).

HiveNet    is the Next Generation of Cloud Computing

Around the clock and throughout the world there are many idle computers. HiveNet    offers technology solutions for utilizing this idle resource. HiveNet    will connect personal computers and commercial  unemployed  to build a global network of distributed cloud computing. This will allow computer owners to take advantage of their computer, when they are not using it.
HiveNet has an inherent cryptocurrency: HiveCoin. HiveCoins is used to pay for computing power at HiveNet. With this, ongoing demand for HiveCoins is ensured and will create one of several cryptocurrency with real and fundamental value, which gives traders excellent short-term and long-term opportunities.
HiveNet increases the use of available computers. Thus less resources are consumed to build new computers and less electronic waste is generated.
Also, HiveNet Blockchain uses a very economical Evidence-betting consensus, which saves more resources than the available blockchain.

Manifest HiveNet

Computer Owner

How many hours a day do you really use your computer?
Just imagine your computer is profitable for the rest of the day. HiveNet makes it possible by giving valuable computing tasks to pay customers to your computer.
All you need is a computer with an internet connection.


HiveNet is much cheaper than traditional cloud computing. How Because many of the costs required for traditional providers (eg Amazon Web Services) do not apply to HiveNet, because they use the available computer idle time. So, there is no need to invest in new computers, housing and many other operational costs.

Crypto Trader

HiveNet has an inherent cryptocurrency: HiveCoin. HiveCoins is used to pay for computing power at HiveNet. With this, ongoing demand for HiveCoins is ensured and will create one of several cryptocurrency with real and fundamental value, which gives traders excellent short-term and long-term opportunities.


HiveNet increases the use of available computers. Thus less resources are consumed to build new computers and less electronic waste is generated.
Also, HiveNet Blockchain uses a very economical Evidence-betting consensus mechanism, which saves more resources than most available blockchain.

How it works


User Clients

The HiveNet User Client is a user-friendly tool and includes a compute, blockchain and wallet software module. This enables easy and user-friendly handling without the need for in-depth technological knowledge.

HiveNet Blockchain

HiveNet Blockchain is secured very efficiently
Stake Evidence consensus mechanism. This is specifically optimized for HiveNet and combines high security with fast transactions.

HiveNet's Task Management System

HTMS is the core technology of HiveNet's decentralized cloud computing network. This ensures optimal customer task management, validation of secure computing results, and fair payment from the computer owner.
 HiveNet Ecosystem
Customer Payments
Customers will only pay for computing power, which they have actually used. They will pay with HiveCoins or for convenience with their local fiat money (eg US-Dollar or Euro), which is automatically exchanged with HiveCoins on digital currency exchanges. This will generate ongoing and fundamental demand for HiveCoins and will ensure inherent value.
Provides computer power
Computer owners will provide their IDL computing power and will be rewarded through fair customer payment. Accurate payments will be ensured and automated with the Gift Giving Application.
Trade and Use HiveCoins
Like other cryptocurrency, HiveCoins will be exchangeable via digital currency exchange. We will also issue a debit card and include a widely used online payment system, such as PayPal. With this, HiveCoin owners will be able to use HiveCoin savings to pay at many local and online stores. In this way, HiveNet will allow mass public adoption.
Stalk HiveCoins
HiveCoin owners will be able to bet their HiveCoin savings to extend and secure the HiveNet Blockchain. With this, makers will receive newly printed HiveCoins, which will result in ongoing returns on their HiveCoins.
Pre-Sales Metrics
  • Pre-sale starts on September 24, 2019
  • pre-sale ends when IEO starts (planned for November 2019, details will be announced in due course)
  • base price: 0.08 USD per HiveNet Token (HNT)
  • for early birds: discounts of up to 25% depending on the time of purchase
  • Minimum purchase amount during pre-sale: 10,000 USD
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Official resources of the HIVENET project:

by; Vichoo


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