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Bridge In Gain Metaverse's goal for the community, the environment and the world.

  Big Metaverse is a platform for building virtual worlds that anyone can explore, play and create. No programming skills required! Big Metaverse is a decentralized metaverse blockchain project. It aims to build the infrastructure for next-generation digital assets, games and applications. Our mission is to provide support for the development and realization of virtual reality and augmented reality projects on blockchain technology through our own metaverse platform. Big Metaverse is a blockchain-based ecosystem that provides decentralized tools for managing and monetizing virtual assets. It also lets you create, publish and integrate your own virtual worlds across multiple platforms.

Metaverse is a very broad and complex technology. The world of Metaverse is a completely different world in the Computer room. This requires access via (VR), Virtual Reality or (AU) Augmented Reality. This Metaverse can be accessed through Personal Computers, Phones and Game Consoles. Metaverse is a vast space in the Digital world which has its own economy where users will be able to sell and buy goods. Metaverse has an interoperable feature that allows users to take things like clothes, cars from one place to another. Metaverse allows users to buy virtual Lands, build them, and rent them out. This is quite an amazing technology that will revolutionize the digital world. In this article, I will talk about the Big Metaverse platform, the newly discovered decentralized Metaverse ecosystem powered by users on blockchain technology.

Bigmetaverse is a new and innovative platform for virtual reality developers. This platform is a comprehensive solution for virtual reality application development and support. It has the potential to become a new international market for VR applications. Bigmetaverse is an ecosystem that allows users to create, distribute and deploy VR applications.
It's not just about video games anymore. Virtual reality (VR) is a booming industry that is just getting started. VR is the next big thing in gaming industry and Bigmetaverse is the next big thing in VR entertainment. Bigmetaverse is a revolutionary platform for VR developers that offers many tools that can be integrated into games. One of the main features of this platform is its social aspect. Bigmetaverse is more than just a platform, it's a community. This means you will have the opportunity to meet and chat with people from all over the world who share the same interests. You can even find the perfect VR partner to work on the game you dream of.
Bigmetaverse is an innovative platform for virtual reality developers looking for new ways to monetize their apps, games and experiences. The platform will allow manufacturers and distributors to create their own virtual stores and provide users with unique content and services. The Bigmetaverse platform will allow users to safely and easily explore virtual worlds and create their own digital identities. Users will be able to earn tokens for their activities, which will then be used to explore the virtual world and purchase digital content. Bigmetaverse is something new and exciting for both consumers and developers. Users will have the opportunity to explore the virtual world, create their own digital identity, and earn tokens for their activities. Using this token, users will be able to purchase digital content and services,  as well as interact with various applications. Developers, on the other hand, will be able to monetize their games and apps in an easy and convenient way. Bigmetaverse is a new and innovative platform for virtual reality developers. This platform is a comprehensive solution for virtual reality application development and support. It has the potential to become a new international market for VR applications. Bigmetaverse is an ecosystem that allows users to create, distribute and deploy VR applications. This platform is a comprehensive solution for virtual reality application development and support. It has the potential to become a new international market for VR applications. Bigmetaverse is an ecosystem that allows users to create, distribute and deploy VR applications. This platform is a comprehensive solution for virtual reality application development and support. It has the potential to become a new international market for VR applications. Bigmetaverse is an ecosystem that allows users to create, distribute and deploy VR applications.

How the Big Metaverse works

:  Very good  project  I'm sure this project will have a lot of interest when it launches because this project has a solid team structure and very good project trust. I am sure that when it launches, there will be a lot of interest in this project because this project has a solid and reliable team structure. This project is one of the most creative and revolutionary of all! pleasures that I will be wary of. In my opinion, one of the best projects.

Most of us already know blockchain technology as the core foundation of the crypto ecosystem. The versatile features associated with this technology have led to the popularity of cryptocurrencies attracting not only a loyal user base but also institutional investors and large corporations. But blockchain is not limited to just cryptocurrencies, it can cause a paradigm shift in almost every industry related to information storage and data protection as it has the ability to decentralize operations without relying on any authority to control data.

This project, and the team have built a strong community with great potential. Lucky project. Great project with a really cool idea! I believe in their success. The increasing popularity and adoption of cryptocurrencies by millions of users raises serious concerns about network congestion and scalability of different blockchain networks. Apart from increasing cryptocurrency trading, decentralized finance also increases the load on these networks. The promising nature of blockchain has led to the development of many new protocols including yield farming, liquidity pools, and mining platforms on an already dense blockchain.

BigMetaverse's goal is to build a large Decentralized Metaverse ecosystem where users will be able to explore, participate in activities, collaborate, learn and do all sorts of things together. It's like real world but BigMetaverse world will be limited to Virtual world. Users will be able to connect friends all over the world, chat with them, Play Games together, and engage in shared activities. BigMetaverse will allow users to create and monetize their content. It only offers a blockchain powered platform where content creators monetize virtual products, interactive 3D models. All these activities are supported by the use of cryptocurrencies and Smart contract technology.
Content creators earn tokens by sharing their creativity with others. BigMetaverse offers a decentralized metadata registry for the Web3 ecosystem, the protocol is capable of storing, indexing, and searching metadata attached to smart contracts. Day by day many people adopt Metaverse, they start to experience VR and AR (Augmented Reality) technology.

bigmetaverse is a one stop solution for virtual reality developers, users and publishers. It helps build VR content for multiple platforms and gives users and publishers the ability to monetize their content through a revenue-sharing model. Big Metaverse is a platform as a service created to help developers create, test and distribute virtual reality experiences

We hope you enjoyed our article on this innovative platform for virtual reality developers. As a leading company in the field of software development, we know that it is important to stay up-to-date with developments and new technologies. If you have any questions regarding the topic of virtual reality development, please feel free to contact us. We would love to help you in any way we can!


The formula we built is community based to maintain price stability in the market and metaverse ecosystem


Total Supply (100%)


Seed Sales (3%)


Personal Selling (10%)


Presale (15%)


Public Sales (18%)


Bet Prize (25%)


Liquidity Pool (7%)


Marketing (6%)


Development (6%)


We put together a systematic plan for the progress of the BIG Metaverse

1.The first step in our journey is to carefully design concepts and ideas and then proceed to form a team. After the team is formed, we carry out technology and ecosystem research followed by prototyping and making a final decision on the plan to be implemented. Then we also legalized the company, and illustrated the concept of Bridge in Gain. The preparation of game design documents and making prototypes was continued with the development of the company's website.

2.Furthermore, the conceptualized idea is designed into a 3D asset for Bridge in the Gain Metaverse and followed by the development of the system and ecosystem in it. Then, we will also develop tenant applications and player super apps for your business needs. Also in this quarter, we developed the web, and integrated it with the Unity system. After that, we also check the quality of the products made through quality assurance and proceed with Alpha Tests and Pre-release news

3.In the third quarter, we conducted a Beta Test and continued with the release of Bridge in Gain Metaverse V.1. Then, we issue tokens and issue a whitepaper. After that, BIG coins will be listed on pancake swap, coin market cap, and coinecko. In addition, we also innovate by launching BIG FIN-X Wallet as a non-cash transaction tool. Then we audit smart contracts through certificate audits followed by licenses from various exchanges such as Tokocrypto and Indodax. In addition to permits from the stock exchange, we also applied for permits to CoFTRA and Bank Indonesia.

4.Once the license is obtained, we will develop the NFT starting from Field Development, Flats and Offices. We also built our own Blockchain to make it easier for users to transact at cheaper and faster prices. Next up, coin issuance and smart contract creation. Compilation and publication of the V.2 whitepaper, then we will launch the BIG Marketplace followed by the release of Bridge on


Great people behind the scenes building new worlds and ecosystems that have a stable future for you

Pandu Prabu

tech people

Sigit Wijaya

tech people

Riki Rhenaldi

tech people

Sys Wyndar

tech people


On May 23, 2022, BRIDGE IN GAIN has held a soft launch in Jakarta, Indonesia



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