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Metacoms Best Platform Yеld Agriculture DеF Eоѕуѕtem


Digital technology plays an important role in shaping and regulating behavior, performance,
standards, etc. of people, communities, organizations and individuals. Many business sectors are
undergoing tremendous changes, mainly due to new digital innovations.
As the Metaverse has grown rapidly, the Metacoms platform opens the Metaverse to
every developer skill.
It integrates many features such as Metaverse 3D P2P Crypto transfer on NFT based platforms, KYC and
facial scanning and verification features. It is more than just a new generation communication platform
for any personal or corporate office, school or business; this is a platform with virtual world features that
make it like business and entertaining.
Metacoms opens up the Metaverse for all app makers to create any kind of VR experience. Choose your interface to create the app. There is a choice for all: easy with no coding needed, medium with some coding, professional, or external for experienced coders. Mine your Metaverse apps to NFT and start using or selling them in your own space and on the NFT marketplace.

Centralized systems have long been at the center of all solutions for business, communications, studies, and more. However, cracks began to appear. A single point of failure often occurs with centralized applications and makes the solutions offered unsustainable. The world needs a multifunctional solution for communication. A platform is needed that will offer a communication solution that is secure, easy to use, affordable and has many features to choose from, which are essential for communication. Innovative ways to move from centralized to decentralized solutions have given rise to more sustainable options for all business industries. One of the leaders in the communications industry is Metacoms.

What is Metacom?

Metacoms - fully functional communication platform embedded with Metaverse features and multiple digital stores for you to monetize Metaverse. Metacoms is leading the way with their blockchain platform with a Meta app store, P2P transfers, facial feature verification, space and space in virtual reality, and an NFT compatible platform, to name just a few. The future of the internet is the Metaverse. Let's embrace it with Metacoms.

Metacoms is a fully functional communication platform that brings you the best of the metaverse. They also plan to increase user revenue in the metaverse. Metacoms is for those who have been looking for a platform that will allow them to build metaverse apps, and that too, without needing to code. There is also an option for experienced coders to build professional applications within the ecosystem. Also in the picture is their NFT store and native Metac tokens, both of which help expand the ecosystem and facilitate progress over the long term, along with the option to directly transfer crypto tokens to other users on Metacoms.

Metacoms Key Features
Metaverse 3D - Metaverse is the buzzword on the internet today. More than that, it will become a new standard in the future. Users can enjoy the bar on the platform, join any room they need, or simply create their own; meeting room, shop, living room, etc. And soon, users can quickly move from Metaverse 2D to 3D. It makes interactions between coworkers and partners not only pragmatic but also enjoyable.
Third Party VR Engine - In the created space, users can initiate any data they want to share with colleagues, classmates, business partners, etc. For example, creating a Café Room and inviting their friends to join them to watch a game of their choice: UEFA Champions, Euro League, or Formula 1. Users can share the artwork they have created with whomever they want, or show it to their colleagues. how their company fared last year through a 3D webinar.
P2P crypto transfer - A new way to send tokens to other users has been enabled and is up and running. Users no longer have to send their tokens in the dark, but transfer them using the Metacoms space to contact other users when sending them tokens. Users can be absolutely sure that the right person gets their token, just by clicking the transfer button and making a video call at the same time.
NFT Platform - NFT on blockchain is the future of art, gaming and many more industries that will join the most secure network - blockchain. Metacom will be available to import NFT into 3D space. Users can also bring their NFT art gallery into a customized 3D space. You can easily create and mine them on NFT. Use or sell on MetaPlace. Buy NFT Metacoms system to get more functionality, and to earn passive or active income.
Secure blockchain - Metacoms platform provides a secure environment as it is a decentralized system, which does not even store call log details. Thus, effectively solve the problem of data leakage. Metacom uses secure communications that cannot be hacked. This is achieved by moving text chats on the blockchain and securing video and audio streams with the blockchain.

METAC METAC is the native token of the Metacoms ecosystem, based on the Binance Smart Chain which is used for platform utilities such as NFT trading, unlocking special features in rooms. P2P crypto transfers are also carried out via METAC tokens.

Rates for Metacoms

Third party App Store and development interface for users.

  • The number of third-party high-quality applications is unmatched. Worldwide ads by third party app makers. KYC ID verification (voluntary).
  • Businesses are more accessible and more private by conducting KYC checks at a central point. It is easier to recognize users and distinguish them from fraudsters. Also, usage policy or login at age is possible. Avatar scan and verification Facial resemblance to photo ID (voluntary).
  • Great service to create your Avatar, easy, fast and with high resemblance. Information about face verification is visible to all users and provides social benefits. For example for popular online dating. Move Packages to a dedicated center for the most used ones. (optional to buy premium place)
  • Plans are provided for free with a low threshold to join Metcoms. Make Metacoms Metaverse more interesting by feeling alive than the ghost town that is now made. The NFT system is sold in bulk for users to sell P2P.
  • Not only direct revenue from the platform, but users generate revenue and promote the NFT Metacoms they sell

The METAC METAC token is a native token
of the Metacoms ecosystem, based on the Binance Smart Chain which is used for platform utilities such as NFT buying and selling, unlocking special features in rooms. P2P crypto transfers are also carried out via METAC tokens.

About Metacoms
Metacoms opens the Metaverse for all app makers to create any kind of 3D or VR experience. Choose your point of interaction to create the app. There are possibilities for all. Simple with no coding requirements, moderate with some coding, advanced, or beyond for accomplished coders. Mine your Metaverse apps to NFT and start using or selling them in your own space and in NFT commercial hubs.

Metacoms — a fully functional communication platform embedded with Metaverse features and multiple digital stores for you to monetize Metaverse. Metacoms is leading the way with their blockchain platform with a Meta app store, P2P transfers, facial feature verification, space and space in virtual reality, and an NFT compatible platform, to name just a few. The future of the internet is the Metaverse. Let's embrace it with Metacoms.

Metacoms is a fully functional communication platform that brings you the best of the metaverse. They also plan to increase user revenue in the metaverse. Metacoms is for those who have been looking for a platform that will allow them to build metaverse apps, and that too, without needing to code. There is also an option for experienced coders to build professional applications within the ecosystem. Also in the picture is their NFT store and native Metac tokens, both of which help expand the ecosystem and facilitate progress over the long term, along with the option to directly transfer crypto tokens to other users on Metacoms.

Metacoms Key Features

Metaverse 3D — Metaverse is the buzzword on the internet today. More than that, it will become a new standard in the future. Users can enjoy the bar on the platform, join any room they need, or simply create their own; meeting room, shop, living room, etc. And soon, users can quickly move from Metaverse 2D to 3D. It makes interactions between coworkers and partners not only pragmatic but also enjoyable.
Third Party VR Engine — In the created space, users can initiate any data they want to share with colleagues, classmates, business partners, etc. For example, create a Café Room and invite their friends to join them in watching a game of their choice: UEFA Champions, Euro League, or Formula 1. Users can share the art they have created with whomever they want, or show their colleagues how their company fared last year through a 3D webinar.
P2P crypto transfer — A new way to send tokens to other users is up and running. Users no longer have to send their tokens in the dark, but transfer them using the Metacoms space to contact other users when sending them tokens. Users can be absolutely sure that the right person gets their token, just by clicking the transfer button and making a video call at the same time.
NFT Platform — NFT on blockchain is the future of art, gaming and many more industries that will join the most secure network — blockchain. Metacom will be available to import NFT into 3D space. Users can also bring their NFT art gallery into a customized 3D space. You can easily create and mine them on NFT. Use or sell on MetaPlace. Buy NFT Metacoms system to get more functionality, and to earn passive or active income.
Secure blockchain — The Metacoms platform provides a secure environment as it is a decentralized system, which does not even store call log details. Thus, effectively solve the problem of data leakage. Metacom uses secure communications that cannot be hacked. This is achieved by moving text chats on the blockchain and securing video and audio streams with the blockchain.
METAC tokens

METAC is the native token of the Metacoms ecosystem, based on the Binance Smart Chain used for platform utilities such as NFT trading, unlocking special features in rooms. P2P crypto transfers are also carried out via METAC tokens.

token METAC

METAC is the native token of the Metacoms ecosystem, based on the Binance Smart Chain used for platform utilities such as NFT trading, unlocking special features in rooms. P2P crypto transfers are also carried out via METAC tokens.

Detail Token






Metaverse will incorporate services from all industries, and all investors should integrate Metaverse into their portfolios. Metacoms is leading the way with their blockchain platform with a Meta app store, P2P transfers, facial feature verification, space and space in virtual reality, and an NFT compatible platform, to name just a few. The future of the internet is the Metaverse. Let's embrace it with Metacoms.

Further information


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by ; Vichoo

link: :;u=2579935


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