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Aeterna is a unique defi ecosystem that offers many ways to generate wealth

Aeterna is a DeFi development company designing the next generation DeFi 2.0 solution, in an effort to improve the staking module, with the Aeterna auto-staking protocol. The company's main product is the Aeterna token, with an excellent value proposition to benefit token holders.

 is a unique De-Fi ecosystem that offers multiple ways to generate wealth and navigate a confusing decentralized world.

Here's a quick overview of the basics of the project and a look at the progress we plan to build as our ecosystem evolves.

All: -

After seeing what life was like before technology was as ubiquitous as it is today, we know how different times are.

New systems are being born every day, just as decentralized financial systems are popping up right before our eyes.

Now, as more and more people adopt cryptocurrency and blockchain technology builds its infrastructure to support data query and retrieval, we see a new future on the horizon.

A future where passive income, open markets, and safe and rewarding investments are available and easily accessible to everyone. A stress and worry free future when it comes to crypto trading. A safe place to buy, hold and earn, then watch your investment grow.

We see a thriving ecosystem as our own and an ecosystem that becomes a beacon for others to show how technology can be used to create a better future for all.

This is our vision and this will be our story.

About their approach:

The need to motivate our owners is one of our top priorities.

That's why we upgraded our native token to include a revolutionary positive compounding model. This model calculates compound interest instantly and adds it to your wallet balance every 20 minutes. Up to 3 times an hour, 72 times a day. Everything is automatic.

fig with one of the highest APY in the industry with over 200,000%.

What better reason to quit than that?

Automatic merging protocol: Merging protocol automatically pays users every 20 minutes of the day, making a total of 72 payments in a day. This figure makes the fastest automatic aggregation protocol on the network.

To support pricing and rebase rewards, Aeterna uses a complex set of factors. This includes the Aeterna $AET Insurance Fund, which acts as an insurance fund to ensure the price stability of the Aeterna Protocol and long-term viability by maintaining a consistent 0.01 percent rebase rate paid out to all Aeterna token holders every 20 minutes.

Ecosystem Roadmap

Our Eco-System launch plan is very simple and straightforward. Easily scalable and built for explosive growth with each successful development addition.


Decentralized Applications will be the gateway to all features.


Community Focused Initiatives such as lotteries, merchandise and secure exchange platforms build trust and nurture growth.

Launch pad

The Launchpad project will create opportunities for safe trading and long-term investment with great potential.

Alat De-Fi

Make trading easier and more user friendly. Features that can buy, sell and trade automatically, with the addition of ATH alerts.

About Eco-System

Aeternity Utility Hub

Dashboard and D'App for easy navigation

Agregator Koin Aman

Secure Dev Repository

Platform Aeternapad

IDO Launchpad to Develop Real Use Case Projects

Launch of Meme for Safe Gambling Catering to Low Market Cap Investors

Eternal Creation Hub

Frequently Scheduled Lottery

Shops and Merchandising

Secure Trade and Payment Gateway

Alat De-Fi Abadi

Comprehensive Trading Tools and Boats

Real Time Graphics

Decentralized Exchange and Investor Network

For more information:


Telegram Channel:



Telegram Prize:

by ; Vichoo

link: :;u=2579935


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