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Woxh is a fast growing blockchain based gaming platform

 As time goes by, we are starting to see the decentralized storage industry as the first applications to use the technology. BitTorrent File System (BTFS) and Filecoin are currently doing their best to push the industry forward, and address the challenges of truly persistent decentralized file storage albeit with somewhat different solutions.

Woxh aims to provide faster game speeds with symmetrical download and upload speeds. This can significantly reduce latency and improve response times. The service also has a free speed test. If you're not sure if you're getting enough speed, you can take a speed test. In the case of Xfinity, you can check out Peacock's service, which offers great movies and TV shows. While you need a fast internet connection to enjoy a good gaming experience, gaming doesn't always require a business speed internet connection. In most cases, you don't need more than twenty to thirty megabits per second. However, if you really like games, you will need more than that. That's why it's important to consider your bandwidth when making your choice.




If you're playing multiplayer games, you don't need top speeds - you only need about 20Mbps. Higher internet speeds aren't always necessary for multiplayer games, but they can significantly reduce latency. With Woxh, you will be able to enjoy your game without worrying about ping or lagging. And you'll be able to stream your games across multiple devices and platforms. When it comes to Internet speed, it is important to know that the higher the speed, the lower the latency. Higher speeds will enhance your gaming experience and minimize latency. You should also check the number of devices connected to your Internet connection. This way, you will be able to play more games without experiencing any lag. So, next time you want to play a multiplayer game, consider getting a package with high internet speed. This is a major problem in competitive multiplayer games. If you're going to be playing in the same room with your friends, you'll need a high-speed internet connection. If you play online, you need high Internet speed to avoid lags and latency. If your Internet connection is too slow, you will experience poor game speed.

One of the main reasons for high latency is the fact that fast-paced multiplayer games require low internet latency

In terms of internet speed, it is important to know how many Mbps it takes to play games at the highest possible speed. This is because it helps reduce latency and ping. If you don't have the required amount of download and upload speed, you may experience lags, which is a major problem for competitive gamers. So, choose a high-speed Internet connection when you play online games. As mentioned, latency is a big issue for online gaming. In this case, it is difficult to play online games without latency. The game will experience lag, which can be very frustrating. It's also difficult to play at high speed. By implementing a high-speed Internet connection, you will be able to play your favorite games at high speed. In addition, latency will reduce the amount of lag experienced in online games. Ping speed is an important part of internet speed. It measures how fast your connection is capable of handling data requests from other people. The higher your ping speed, the faster your game will run. If you have a low speed connection, your game will be slow. But if your internet connection is fast, it will also enhance your gaming experience. Ping speed refers to the time it takes for data to arrive from the server to your computer.


Ping speed is the time it takes data to travel from the server to your computer. While it's important to have a high-speed connection, you can still play games at high speeds with low latency. Ping speed is very important as it is a measure of the game response time. A high-speed connection is the best way to play online. It allows you to react to actions in real-time. Apart from that, it is also important to have a secure connection. You don't want to worry about your gaming experience if it's too slow. This means that you should be able to play the game on any device - regardless of type.


  • Symbol: $ WXT
  • Decimal: 18
  • Supply: 100M
  • Tax: 10%



Q1 2022

Website Launch

Social Launch (Telegram, Discord, Twitter and Instagram)

Techrate Smart Contract Audit

Personal Pre -Sales

Public Pre -Sale



Q2 2022

CertiK . Smart Contract Audit

Register on DEXes

Register on Coinmarketcap

Register on Coinecko

Register at CEX


Q3 2022


Bridge (Eth, Matic, Sol dll)


Woxh launch




There is no denying that the presence of WOXH has helped to solve many problems which are mostly related to file storage in the game streaming industry.


Through WOXH, users increase sufficient storage, fast and constant wi-Fi connection, adequate data cap, ownership and privacy and finally destroy the DDOS problem through Blockchain Technology in the industry.


It will automatically renew the entertainment industry, causing an unprecedented explosion and making it the center of attention.


For more info on woxh visit:








by ; Vichoo

link: :;u=2579935


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