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Combining the Booming Digital Space - NFT, Metaverse, Blockchain

What is the Socialogue project?









The NFT collection allows Socialogue to add more uniqueness to the platform and user experience. Users can use tokens for various purposes. Again, mainly for better customer experience, increased loyalty and platform stability.

Platform stability is also an important indicator. Part of the Socialogue token is not sold or given away as a gift. It is important to have the tools and resources to keep the platform stable and functioning in case something unexpected happens. Socialogue has a promising future, but it's always better to have a plan B than nothing.


METAVERSE   : Socialogue offers a thrilling experience in the Metaverse. One of the exclusive sections of the Metaverse is the DAO Senate, where meetings, voting, discussions, and other activities take place.

PERSONAL :   As a close and unique community, NFT holders who are members of the Senate have a private group to discuss upcoming changes, decisions and the future of the platform.

SUPPORT:   Like one big family, Socialogue offers support and assistance to its members. The Social Senate has direct contact with the platform admins for additional support and attention


2021 Q1-Q3

Conduct in -depth market research. Resolve legal issues.
Designing the Socialogue platform. Apply the experience of a leading advisor.

2021 Q4

NFT collection release and Socialogue (Beta) launch.
Blockchain integration into the platform. NFT Airdrops.
Establishment of the DAO Senate.

2022 Q1-Q2

Launched the Socialogue token, Metaverse Senate DAO,
Socialogue Metaverse and the full version of the platform.
Integration of token and tip functions.

2022 Q3-Q4

Launch of the Socialogue app for iOS and Android.
Advancing community functionality — introducing group chats, private groups and member recognition via smart contracts.

For more information:









by ; Vichoo link: :;u=2579935


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