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Neox enhances crypto TRANSACTIONS for reliable purchases

The presence of digital currencies which are often called "Cryptocurrencies" has clearly changed the map of the global economy. Plus the support of the internet and technology that continues to develop makes this digital currency exchange increasingly popular. No wonder the trend of using digital currency as an investment tool in this era is increasingly in demand by the public. Bitcoin as one of the most popular digital currencies is starting to be loved by the world community and shows a positive trend in the digital investment climate.

SmartContracts are lines of code that are maintained on the blockchain and are usually executed when pre-defined settings are met. At their most basic level, they are programs that run the way they are set to run by the people who create them. The advantages of smart deals are commonly seen in business joint ventures, where they are usually used to carry out some kind of oversight so that everyone can be sure of the outcome without any middleman affiliation.

Crypto wallets that help smart contracts are known as sharp understanding wallets. At the end of the day, this wallet performs various types of activities such as buying or selling tokens, token exchange, dapp correspondence, trading, earning or advancing. Smart agreement wallet segment:

  • Borrow and credit crypto assets using specific money shows
  • Tokens sell, buy, exchange, or trade
  • Enabling joint efforts with various Dapps

The computerized type of money has become the focus of attention in recent times due to its different markets and hypnotizing mechanical advances. Nonetheless, for placing or trading advanced financial structures, getting a cryptocurrency wallet is one of the great interests. Without a wallet, there will be no trading. Having a good wallet is very important to save yourself from various risks, hacks or fraud, therefore you must guarantee the right wallet and can keep your resources free from any damage.

Multi-computer cash wallets sum up the ability to store clear cash advances in comparable wallets. Moreover, you can create unlimited wallets for your own inspiration. The Neox future wallet can be an excellent choice for customers who need to trade with various norms regarding money. Bitcoin is the main money, however, there are many different financial structures it oversees and each has its own successor.

NEOX is the destiny of the computerized form of monetary. It's not just for Ether or Bitcoin Holders. Our meeting has grown tremendously since 2020 and the system has undergone amazing new developments. We now have our own pool of data scientists, front-end and back-end designers, data analysts, associate and structural engineers, online sponsors, and change smoothing masters. So we have the best conditions for publishing and even more push our thing.

As of now most of the licenses that crypto cards can access only change from Bitcoin or Ethereum to Fiat financial structures. With this association, cryptocurrency holders who need to pay using computerized monetary standards, must go through a 3-phase step. This method proposes that customers have to bear different trading fees and long cycles to get their money out of their wallets.

With the Neox card, we needed to create a smoother cycle that would allow customers to trade continuously with one trade and one fee. Neox cards increase the use of crypto for reliable purchases. The Neox card project hopes to bring this type of computerized cash into people's lives step by step in an easy way. We can help people by using advanced types of cash in their life step by step especially as they do with Fiat money related principles.

Advantages of asserting a customizable Neox wallet

  • Safe and easy to store your advanced monetary standards
  • Freeze and thaw your card/wallet with one tap
  • Transactions are made in a short time
  • Storing certain types of cryptocurrencies in a comparative wallet near other high-end assets for a small fee

Buyback Token

  • 20% of quarterly net profit will be reinvested in Neox tokens for token-valued turn of events.
  • 5% of quarterly net profit will be used to buy back and burn Neox tokens to collect tokens and provide additional liquidity.

How is it different?

  1. Computerized money exchange with over 100+ altcoins.
  2. Freeze and unfreeze your Neox cards with one tap. This makes our system more secure than standard credit card and check card structures.
  3. Ability to exchange cash at correct interbank rates using the Neox card app.
  4. Profit share for each Neox holder on Ethereum.
  5. Free and continuous resource trading between Neox card customers.
  6. The resource opens directly on the recipient's Neox Card.
  7. Crypto Credit in the form of cash. This collaboration is simpler and faster than multiple banks.

It should be noted that there will be a serious demand for NEX tokens and this is what will lead to an increase in the price of the token. Firstly, buying NEX tokens at the ICO with minimum requirements qualifies users to own a free Neox Card. Second, Token holders have access to crypto credits. Third, there is profit sharing for NEX token holders; this is similar to staking or static reflection. Therefore, investing in this project with real products is a wise decision.

You have the opportunity to participate in the token sale to qualify for a free Neox Card. The minimum investment to qualify is $500 and the card supply is limited. You can visit   the website   for details on how to buy NEX. In the early stages of this token sale, there is a bonus of up to 30% and this decreases over time.

There is no doubt that the Neox project is a future-oriented project. It is common knowledge that the card will stand out as a good resort for people who want to enjoy the beauty of crypto currency and the demand for Neox Tokens will increase evenly.
#  neox  , #  neoxcard  , #  nex  , #  cryptocurrency  , #  ico

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Reddit :  https://www.reddit. com/r/neox_card/

by ; Vichoo link: :;u=2579935


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