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Hello everyone, How are you? my name is Coinlotre… Here I will inform you by writing an article to introduce a very unique new project called   KEYFUND.  So for that, have a look at the article I created below to give you a very good overview of this project, then what benefits do they provide for everyone? Just go to the discussion below.

Whitepaper Protokol Keyfund

A common misconception with heavy APY averages is the subjectivity of the permanent loss of staking LP (liquidity provider) on farm reward generators. With the DeFi boom, we've seen too many new cryptocurrency miners get sucked into the trap of high LP APY farming, feeling hopeless that they were pushed out by previous buyers in exchange for higher stakes. We've all been there, seeing that shiny 6-digit number can be tempting to jump in.

However, almost always tokens experience an inevitable valuation bubble, which is then followed by an impending explosion and fall in price. This is why we have seen the mass adoption of static rewards, also known as reflection, a separate concept that seeks to eliminate the problems caused by agricultural rewards.

Automatic Liquidity Pool (LP)

Auto LP is KeyFund's secret sauce. Here we have a function that acts as a doubly useful implementation for the holder. First, the contract sucks the tokens out of the seller and the buyer, and adds them to the LP creating a solid price floor.

Second, the penalty acts as an arbitrage-resistance mechanism that secures the KeyFund volume as a reward to its holder. In theory, the added LP creates the stability of the provided LP by adding a tax to the overall liquidity of the token, thereby increasing the overall LP of the token and supporting the underlying price of the token. This is different from other reflection token burn functions which only benefit in the short term from a given supply reduction.

As LP KeyFund tokens increase, price stability reflects this functionality by benefiting from a solid price base and cushioning for holders. The goal here is to prevent a bigger drop when the whales decide to sell their tokens later in the game, which keeps the price from fluctuating as much as if there wasn't an auto LP function.

Platform KeyFund 
The operating company is a decentralized system that involves blockchain and consists of multiple smart contracts on the perimeter of the blockchain and its own cryptocurrency, And the platform is a system product created by the most powerful, competent and experienced logistics consortium of companies and organizations around the world. And also blockchain and smart contracts serve as a way forward to Industrial use, creating economies of scale and potentially accumulating supply. Decentralized manufacturing will make the industry more accessible, secure and economically sound for more Credits Network P2P Platform (KeyFund) is our third product by participants in the live peer-to-peer (P2P) ecosystem. Therefore, the KeyFund Wallet will be the center of every interaction on the KeyFund platform in the ecosystem, as well as being a secure storage and exchange platform for cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies, enabling users to store, hold, send and exchange supported cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. Merchants can freely choose and switch between different blockchain assets for payments. User can convert from BTC, ETH, BNB, KeyFund   and vice versa, utilize peer-to-peer transfers and exchanges, and pay merchant services.

Mission & Vision
Its mission is to develop a peer-to-peer pure digital currency and store of value that will be recognized as a cryptocurrency leader in terms of adoption, use and value of the KeyFund project. Create a new digital currency that is in the top 10 cryptocurrencies and is backed by real-world use not only as a store of value but also as a medium of exchange. The KeyFund project is an open-source Blockchain project built on the Binance Smart Chain, KEYFUND Token is dedicated to connecting talented professionals and members of their target community.


T  OK Description:

1KeyFund: 0,02

Circulating Supply: 110,000,000

Token Sale: 77,000,000

Soft Cap: 22,000,000

Start Time: August 6

End Time: August 8

min. Investment

We Accept BUSD

#KeyFundFinance  #KeyFund  #KEY  #blockchain  #cryptocurrency  #technology  #bitcoin  #money  #crypto  #Binance  #BNB  #cryptocurrencies  #fintech

ROADMAP (2021 – 2022)
Q3 Key Fund Launch (Permanent Liquidity Locked)
Q3 Burn Unsold Tokens
Q3 Exchange Listing
Q3 Smart Contract Audit
Q3 Listing on Coin gecko, Coinmarketcap
Q3 Key Swap Launch
Q3 Aggressive Marketing
Q3 Further Ecosystem Development

For more information Connect to KeyFund


ANN Thread:





by ; Vichoo

link: :;u=2579935


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