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TFStoken is a type of digital currency that has unique characteristics and attractive features




What are TFS tokens?


Key Points of TFS tokens


What is Fairspin?

Business Features and Opportunities

Manfaat Token TFS

Tokenomics & Token Allocation

The TFS token is a new digital cryptocurrency that will be used on the platform as a standard payment method and opens up new opportunities to reward players playing on Fairspin.

Token Allocation

Token allocation is divided into 4 stages:

Level 1

Distribution of TFS will begin with 3 rounds of Private Sale, Pre-Sale and Dutch Auction with a limited supply of 15 million tokens listed for sale.

Token price on each round will be set at:

0.1$ for Private Spin

$0.15 for Pre-Sale Round

At Dutch Auction prices start from 1$ with 0.2$ as reserve price.

Level 2

After the token sale is completed, 10–20% of the token pool sold at auction will be transferred to Uniswap with the final auction price increasing by 50–100%.

Level 3

The token staking program is opened via the FairSpin dashboard where you can store your tokens for profit

Betting options

1 day - 1% prize pool from FairSpin GGR

3 days - 3% prize pool from FairSpin GGR

7 days - 8% prize pool from FairSpin GGR

Level 4:

The token distribution program will be announced with limited emissions up to 20% instantly and 2% weekly, which users can claim at any time.

Round: Condition Locked Unlock Private Round25.00% 7 500 0000% available within 1 week after General Sale, another 40 weeks key2% per weekPublic Round: Pre-sale: 16.67% 5 000 00020% available within 1 week after General Sale , 40 more weeks lockout2% per weekPublic spin: Dutch Auction8,33% 2 500 00020% available within 1 week after General Sale, another 40 weeks lockup2% per weekToken Operation: Condition LockedUnlocked Rewards betting program25.00% 7 500 000unlock100% Token for collection setup16, 67 % 5 000 000unlock100%Payment operation8,33%2 500 000unlock100%Token Supply: 30,000,000

Manfaat Token TFS

Players can earn TFS Tokens just by playing FAIRSPIN and holders can also add TFS Tokens by staking Game which is very stable for players and investors. Only by staking your TFS Tokens you are entitled to double all your tokens. and as a reward for players and investors who can bet more than 37.5%/year, for me this is a very fair and profitable bet,. and for prizes your TFS Tokens will be directly credited to your account after you place or bet. You can exchange the results on Uniswap.

Important information, visit the link below:



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by ; Vichoo
link: :;u=2579935


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