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Review proyek Multi Chain DeFi Yearn.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is the amalgamation of traditional banking services with decentralized technology such as blockchain. DeFi can also use the name Open Finance because of its inclusive format. Most importantly, the DeFi community strives to create alternatives to every financial service that is currently available. These services include items such as savings and checking accounts, loans, asset trading, insurance, and more.

DeFi, short for Decentralized Finance, is an open financial service created to transform centralized financial services.

The DeFi market is the fastest growing sector in the last six months. Uniswap, a pioneer of DeFi service providers, was created with the motive of providing liquidity. The Uniswap platform is great for developers, useful for merchants, but not free from its own shortcomings.

Yearn.Global (YG) is the best cross-chain Defi platform for you. The platform will support Swap, Farming & Staking for several blockchains such as Ethereum, Tron (TRC20), EOS, and other Defi oriented blockchains. This platform has YG token which is the native token of the Yearn.Global platform. YG Tokens are focused on yield farming and also to improve the ecosystem for Yearn.Global to exchange your Tokens.

YG platform users can stake cryptocurrencies such as ETH, USDT, YFI, YFII, DAI, and YG, to get YG tokens as rewards based on the interest rate and amount staked. The pool is adjusted in such a way that it will generate high rewards & APY ​​for users.

The most important thing to remember is that every transaction is carried out on the Ethereum network using smart contracts. Once launched, Soon YG will initiate support for tokens based on the Tron blockchain. More blockchains like EOS will be added soon with staking, farming, swap features. 
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The highlights of Yearn.Global 
1.  Staking  and Yield Farming  . 
Three unique Pools will be created for our clients to grow and earn rewards. The various pools that can be accessed are: 
- YG Pool 
YG is the local badge of our efforts. Investors can deposit YG in this pool and earn attractive awards for their properties. The group will own 20% of the remuneration distribution. 
- YG / ETH Liquidity Pool 
is for YG liquidity supplier. The complete remuneration distribution for this group is 15%. 
- YG DeFi pool. 
Pool, where holders can store major DeFi tokens such as YFI, YFII, Comp, Cream and so on. All part of the remuneration for this pool is 15%.
2.  SWAP 
Multichain Swap Stage. ERC and TRC Blockchain will be accessible at Launch Time. Different blockchain to include later. 
3.  DEX 
Multichain DEX to help Decentralized exchange for various blockchains. Deliveries are expected within 2 months of pre-sale delivery. 
4.  Vault 
Win high borrowing costs to deposit tokens to our Vault in the form of stored tokens and extra rewards in the form of YG / xYG tokens. 
5. Loan / Loan users  
can get selected tokens with attractive and low interest rates. More smoothness after delivery administration.


Long-term asset investors who use the YG platform will get additional income. When investing their assets with the YG Platform, users can earn interest on their blockchain assets along with additional YG / xYG Token rewards.

The benefit for miners / bookmakers is that YG Pools are tailored to provide high yields and APY to users and participants. Also to deal with excess liquidity, Halving and Burn Options will be used and entered into the Master Chef Contract. Early investors will benefit from a liquidity pool of up to 2000% APY which will be halved periodically to stabilize around 125% APY.

Another benefit of the YG project is the development of Stable coins which will be asset-backed and pegged to asset values ​​such as USD, EUR, GBP, ETH & BTC. This will reduce the dependence of the YG Platform on its partners to provide cross-chain liquidity. This will not only power the DEX YG but will also assist in smooth Swap function.

Yearn.Global is trying to win deals with significant cross-linked liquidity suppliers to offer decentralized exchange arrangements. DEX will be accessible by the end of December 2020. In addition to the significant chains that will be accessible, Yearn.Global plans to ship in the future after tokens that will be 100% sponsored by native resources:

  • yUSD / yEUR / yGBP: Stable Coins sponsored by USD / EUR / GBP for use on the YG stage for staking and exchanging.
  • YETH: The token is sponsored by ETH to provide simple trading on the YG Platform.
  • yBTC: BTC Supported ERC20 and TRC20 Tokens.
  • yGLD: Gold sponsored ERC20 and TRC20 tokens.

The most important thing to remember is that every exchange is conducted in the Ethereum organization and uses smart contracts. Once shipped, Soon YG will start maintaining tokens that depend on the Tron blockchain. More blockchains such as EOS will be included in the not-so-long future highlighted by betting, cultivation and trading. To provide liquidity to our foundation, YG will form associations with cross-chain liquidity suppliers, for example Wanchain, Komodo to control cross-chain atomic exchanges.


YG Token Token

Nama: Yearn Global Token

Symbol: YG

Token Type: ERC20 Defi Token (Already created)

TRC20, BEP-20 will be developed after implementing the Masterchef Contract on the ERC20 chain. ● Total Supply: 50,000 YG

● Supply Current: 25,000 YG

Token Distribution:

Team: 1500 YG (Locked for 2 years with Finance Team)

Pool Liquidity: 10,000 YG (Locked for 6 Months with Financial Team)

Private Sales: 3600 YG (No Key Periods)

Public Presale: 7875 YG

Marketing: 2025 YG (Including Airdrop and Bounties Tokens)

Uniswap List: 5000 YG

Agricultural Yield: 20,000 YG

Token Token xYG

Name: xYG token

Symbol: xYG

Token Type: Multiple Blockchain Tokens. ● Total Supply: To be determined later

Current Supply: 0 xYG (Just printed as Agricultural Yield, Bet & Dome.

Price: Pegged to YG Tokens. The value will be decided later via Community Voting.

The Yearn.Global team launched their platform at DeFi to spark crypto investors and developers to work together to create innovation and decentralization. Yearn.Global is a very perspective and promising project, an interesting idea so I think they will find a really cool application in the future in blockchain. They will show everyone their potential and reach a higher level in future development.

Don't waste your time looking for a great project to invest in you and don't care about the future, decouse Yearn.Global is an honest project, an honest team who really want to achieve their plans and show the results of their work, they really appreciate your trust!

Official Yearn.Global Website-

Yearn.Global Facebook –

Yearn.Global Telegram –

Yearn.Global Medium profile-

by ; Vichoo

BTT profile -;u=2579935

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