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as a pricing process in which the seller "auctioneer"

Welcome to iBid Global., Image # 17

This platform helps bring together buyers and auctioneers without using distribution channels or middlemen. 

The Online Auction Platform is intended to sell goods to increase growth and development. Many products can be bought better and are very efficient. The Online Auction Platform helps bring together buyers and auctioneers without using distribution channels or middlemen.  

 Since the beginning of the auction era in the global market, the demand for online auction platforms has increased rapidly. Due to the high demand for online Auction platforms in the global market, Many people have been ripped off, cheated, cheated, or went bankrupt. Some are victims of fraud. There is no standard platform yet on which auctioneers and buyers can 100% trust.   

But the good news is here -    iBid    ; iBid not only identifies problems, requirements and requests, but also manages to formulate profitable solutions to ongoing problems. iBid has identified innovative solutions to most of the fast growing global trust problems in today's auction market.    

With the development of blockchain technology, iBid decided to change the world of online auction platforms to ensure that it can undergo significant changes. iBid joins the Blockchain to bring complete transparency and reliability to the bidding and auction process.   


Ibid    is a decentralized   Blockchain   Auction platform that offers great benefits to buyers and auctions. There is no risk involved as iBid uses blockchain technology to take advantage of all transactions on its site. iBid also ensures fairness and transparency of all transactions by enabling all parties participating in the auction to oversee the auction process.   

iBid simplifies the process of purchasing any product by offering multiple bidding options and simplifying the entire process of buying and shipping any product of your choice. iBid uses bidding packages to bid on. This offer package is what you need to buy to start bidding. Due to the iBid pay to play operating model, you need to purchase a bid package before you can take part in any auction.   

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How Does iBid Make Money?


The revenue model has two parts iBid works by generating huge revenue from bids purchased from packages by users, from platforms to participating in auctions across multiple stacks. Along with encouraging repeat bid purchases. The winner will not pay for the product. In addition, iBid also gets it from sponsors who want to promote their goods.


How many floors is the iBid auction?


The IBID auction floor is an e-commerce platform (E-commerce) Singapore 4.0 which will be launched in early June 2020 will be like Ebay or Amazon, or like Shopee or Lazada in Vietnam


It aspires to create a global database of transactions and services. With almost zero transaction fees worldwide. The common currency will be the main payment currency in this ecosystem. And they aim to become a major platform in the field of decentralized applications (DApps), such as Ethereum and Cardano.

IBid auction mission

  • Bargain to get your favorite items at super cheap prices by bidding on the iBid platform.
  • Build a platform for phased real-time blockchain auctions.
  • iBid - A decentralized blockchain auction will change the bidding process, to be fair and transparent as bidders can also monitor the auction process.



  • Users on the iBid platform are not charged any fees.
  • Full ownership of private databases in the iBid ecosystem
  • Profit sharing model from the company.
  • Providing quality services and products is not for profit



Ticker: iBid Token Price: 1 iBid = 1 USDT Total supply: 100,000,000 Token role: Utility

The IBid token is used on the Ethereum Blockchain. Mainnetis will be launched on 06/2021 and iBidtoken will be converted into iBid coins used in iBidecosystem.

iBid will be generated over 10 years, with 16% generated in the first year, 29% in 4 years, and 61% in 5 years. A total of 100,000,000 (one hundred million) iBidcoin will be generated. iBidspent on the network will be redistributed to iBidholder. 100% tokens will be sent to the community over the air.



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Voting activates a list of DApps, products and services in the iBid ecosystem. You have the right to decide which iBid will sponsor and reject the project.

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Exchange rates in the iBid ecosystem. Creating and maintaining an internal and individual economy is one of the most important tasks of the IBID token

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The iBid token is used as a fee gateway for you to use certain functions of an ecosystem.


Platform ROADMAP iBid

June 2020: iBiD Auction on Blockchain

March 2021: iBiD test network

June 2023: iBiD Mainnet

August 2021: Cross platform wallet release

December 2021: Integrate the iBiD token for payments across many e-commerce 4.0 platforms

January 2022: Notice of the iBiD specification

April 2022: Allow list of Dapps on iBiD platform

September 2022: Decentralized trading platform iBiD


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