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Unifinity., Image # 1
Unifinity is a decentralized application (Dapp), running on the blockchain, which aims to be the easiest gateway for schools, teachers, parents and students to send and receive payments for tuition and projects.
Blockchain technology has the potential for thousands of applications. Bookkeeping and reporting rules that are set can change for the better if the information is transferred from paper to the block chain. One area where the flow of paper documents is too high is education.
Blockchain in education is a new way to implement the necessary bureaucratic operations. The introduction of technology will change specialist training and reduce employee work time, which will lead them to look for methods to improve student literacy.
Today I want to devote my review to a decentralized education platform -  UNIFINITY  , which will allow universities and schools to implement the use of Blockchain technology and smart contracts to solve various problems. The use of the new system will confirm the authenticity of documents.  Thanks to the UNIFINITY platform, the work of universities and schools can change dramatically.

● You no longer need paper to store information. Certificates, licenses and other documents can be stored in a block chain. This technology provides reliable protection against hacking and changes in records. This leads to many advantages: eliminating the share of corruption in education, dissolving records, reducing spending on budget funds and extra-budget for consumables.
● The ministry of information and other relevant government agencies are no longer needed. Blockchain can provide constant access to verified information about certification, which makes the educational process desirable, because it is increasingly difficult to buy a diploma. The court no longer needs to be involved to prove copyright over scientific work.
● The process of recording information in the block chain does not require specialists, which reduces the educational institution's financial burden on personnel content.
● The cryptocurrency room applies to learning. If state law is ready for such a change, scholarships and grants for high yields will be transferred online, which will exclude intermediaries who work with universities now.
● Employers will now be confident in the specialist qualifications that are hired, and the implementation of recertification and qualification confirmation procedures will soon be reflected in an integrated system, and this will become reliable data.
The UNIFINITY platform   will be able to fundamentally change the education system, combine everything needed to control student attendance and achievement, and give universities the ability to manage the functions and applications of the blockchain at a low cost and optimal. provisions
UNIFINITY   will be able to contribute to the development of online learning because it is cheaper and allows you to get knowledge from anywhere in the world where there is the internet. And also to achieve diploma recognition and certificates anywhere in the world.
UNIFINITY   created  its  own DAPP based blockchain, which was designed to be the easiest, fastest and cheapest way to send and receive tuition payments for universities, schools, teachers, parents and students.
UNIFINITY   provides a prize program for students, in the form of UNY tokens that are used on smart contracts, which will be sent and stored in their wallets. This program, based on attendance and academic performance at the university, will encourage students to continue their studies each time they take courses online or offline.


· To complete application development and to enter universities, colleges, schools globally that do not have access to quality learning applications and Registration management systems.
· To provide accessibility to parents in providing tools for them to continue their studies as well as accessibility to manage their finances with secure fast payments at low costs.
· To encourage more students to continue their studies and learn the right investments by giving them access to professional courses provided by leading universities.
· To give universities the ability to issue their own Anti-Counterfeiting Blockchain Certificates and Blockchain anti-fraud identity cards which also function as wallets where users can use them in several merchant partners using smart contracts through various applications.
Conclusion above 

It can be said with confidence that blockchain technology opens up a large number of opportunities in the field of education. Blockchain changes the idea of ​​storing data and with its help, it is possible to avoid manipulation of certificates, diplomas, scientific papers, and articles. For scientists, researchers, and even ordinary students, this is a great opportunity to safely save and distribute the writer's work, studying current developments even in narrow specialties. UNIFINITY's decentralized education platform will help make this happen.

For more information, please visit;

by ; Vichoo
link: :;u=2579935


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