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Highly secure and decentralized peer-to-peer CODEO technology tokens.

About the project
Codeo is built using P2P technology that is very reliable and decentralized. Platform token is a CODEO token. With the help of Codeo tokens, all transactions in the ecosystem are carried out. In addition, this marker is a major product, and thanks to this, major contributions are made to all CODEO work. CODEO tokens are developed using special, unique, and high-tech tools. This is the main difference from other tokens on the market. As such, CODEO Tokens create reliable and convenient digital ecosystems that not only provide high security, but also protect value for the token holder business. CODEO Token This will be used not only in the cryptocurrency world, but also in various other industries.
CODEO is a new digital organization that ensures the use of new computers that are safe and comfortable, which implements decentralized and unlimited Blockchain technology. CODEO is not only a digital asset or payment instrument, but is also supported by traders and a network of strategic partners who contribute to the growth of the ecosystem and provide easy access for people and users to work digitally on the CODEO network. Like Paypal, CODEO exists and will change all traditional payment methods into a decentralized and peer-to-peer system. CODEO is a LIMA LIMA investment business unit based in Tortola, British Virgin Islands (BVI), which is distributed and supported by CODEO products and global operations.
CODEO Token Function
1. Crypto-digital. CODEO tokens are digital crypto assets that can be stored like any other paper.
2. Payment methods. CODEO tokens will be a reliable payment tool in the blockchain industry. Because of this, CODEO tokens can be used anywhere in our world.
3. Investment. CODEO tokens will be displayed in many famous crypto exchangers. Thus, you can invest in it to make a profit in the future, and you can trade it at any time.
4. Prices are stable   . The advantage of getting a CODEO token is that if you suddenly buy a token for $ 1, and for some reason the price falls below $ 1 in the market, you don't need to panic, because you can sell it later at the same price, for what they buy, that is, for 1 dollar on the ARCHIDAX exchange.
5. Additional fees of 2% per year. CODEO token holders will receive an additional income of 2% per year each year. An amount of 2% will be automatically sent to your CODEO cryptocurrency wallet on the ARCHIDAX exchange.
6. Availability   of CODEO tokens   . Because CODEO tokens will be presented at many famous crypto exchanges, they can be easily exchanged. The team claims that only getting CODEO tokens on the world market is their main task.


You can get the code token through IEO on CATEX (now), BINANCE, COINEAL, ARCHIDAX and others. and after IEO, you can also trade on the exchange, where our goal for the first year is 25 exchanges.

Codeo is a secure digital asset because it is based on decentralized and secure technology Ethereum ERC 20. Codeo continues to develop security technology by creating its own Blockchain network, which will be released at the end of August 2020.

having a code, you will receive additional benefits in the form of an annual percentage of 2%, which accumulates from the guarantee amount of $ 1 and multiplied by the number of tokens you have. and you will receive these benefits every June 7 and will be sent to your Codeo wallet

The problem that may arise in Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin is where the comparison between demand and supply is not directly proportional because the number and mining process is increasingly difficult to make Bitcoin considered a Digital Asset that is equated with expensive gold. or diamonds rather than as a transaction instrument or payment instrument.
There are many Cryptocurrency developers who appear to replace Bitcoin as a means of payment. They issued and assured users / the public that their products were able to replace Bitcoin as a viable transaction instrument for the Blockchain industry. As an example; Ethereum, Dogecoin, Litecoin, and others. All coins and tokens build the foundation of their trust as an appropriate method of payment. But unfortunately there are also many irresponsible token developers where they use this opportunity to raise funds and are vulnerable to fraud.
This is a serious problem. Some token developers release and persuade investors to buy their tokens by promising plans and propaganda for their successful tokens in the future. But in reality, 97% of all projects released in 2017-2019 through ICO (Initial Coin Offer) failed and constituted fraud that directed investors as victims. This situation makes investors retire and leave the Blockchain industry. This incident is exacerbated by the indication that many developers trade their coins / tokens at the Crypto Exchange where 70% leave their tokens and deliberately expire


The problem that arises at this time is the result of the Crisis of Confidence for the Blockchain industry as quoted from in December 2017 where Bitcoin trading within 24 hours reached 19,218,500,000 but now only at 13,696,517,811. This decreased dramatically followed by a decrease in the number of crypto users. this is proven by many bankrupt exchanges such as desrex and even the new cominexchange who announced themselves to close their platforms in December 2019. what is needed by investors today is a belief in trade protection that not only applies to token guarantees for trading, but they must have protection of their assets (coins and or tokens) to be safe and secure as well.

1. Introducing Codeo tokens (CODEO)
Code token is a payment instrument that uses ERC 20. This transaction instrument is supported by Nodes Network based on Ethereum Technology which has an ecosystem that supports and complements each other.
Distribution of current and future tokens

Initial Value: 1 CODEO = 1 USD
Smart Contract 0x46b4a7d906F1A943b7744Df23625E63726d79035
Type: ERC20
CODEO 3 Billion
Initial CODEO  Distribution of 3 Billion Published 3 Billion 


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