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Stan World

Stan World

project that plans to present a generation of social media

Stan World is a project that plans to bring the next generation of social media – new forms and new possibilities. Supported by AI, VR and blockchain technology – new forms of social media will be revolutionary and innovative.
Nowadays, people cannot do it without the Internet, almost the entire population of our planet uses the Internet. Previously, the Internet was needed to work, now every student can easily find this or that information, playing games. USERS choose what they want to do, whether it’s immersion in epic role-playing games, adventure, competition with other users or just playing with friends on the network. The world booth   will help you with this. Users can chat with other fans to sing, dance, and chat in the karaoke room. Stan World does not limit your location, ethnicity, wealth and fame. On computers, smartphones and tablets, you can access Stan World anytime convenient for you. Enter and play.
The global virtual goods industry is growing rapidly on all platforms, offering gamers a variety of products that they can buy. At first glance, it seems that growth is too fast. Products in the virtual world offer unlimited scalability with minimal overhead, revolutionizing outdated production concepts and distribution costs. For individuals and brands today, this is a new opportunity to make money. The virtual economy is growing faster than before. Games and gamers make huge profits from in-game purchases and sales of virtual assets.
Stan World will provide a virtual experience that can be fully utilized by users. Whether it’s selling T-shirts, merchandise, or virtual souvenirs, Stan World users will have a variety of options.
The use of blockchain in video games implies the release and support of cryptocurrency.
Game token – a single currency that is used to express the value of all items traded in the game, and to tidy up transaction system problems with the participation of several parties. The buying and selling of items in the game in cryptocurrency is protected by smart contracts, which significantly increases the reliability and security of transactions. Blockchain technology provides smart contracts that are triggered by specific events that can be tracked and verified, without effort and without the involvement of third parties. This gives users ownership rights and flexibility to make transactions in the ecosystem without worrying about fraud.

Stan Coin, Stan World’s main currency, uses smart blockchain contracts so that
Creators / users receive compensation automatically, safely and instantly.
This is an official cryptocurrency that you can use to:
● Benefits: creators receive the biggest percentage of profits from their creations (items, experiences, games)
● Involvement: users also receive prizes when they contribute through testing, reviewing and promoting creations
● Exchange in the real world: transactions occur in the virtual world, as well as in the world tangible, where users can use coins interchangeably
Using blockchain technology, the team developed the Stan World ecosystem to provide
reasonable benefits for all participants.
Stan World will provide a virtual experience that can be fully utilized by users. Whether selling virtual t-shirts, merchandise or souvenirs, Stan World users will have the opportunity to participate in various economic events and opportunities. By utilizing this virtual marketplace, Stan World will create a new environment for users to explore and grow with their communities.
Users choose what they want to do at Stan World, whether it’s immersion in a big role playing adventure, competition with other users or just playing with friends on the Internet, you choose it and we can solve it. Users can chat with other fans to sing, dance and chat in the VR-K-pop karaoke room, attend Elon Land along with other Elon Musk fans, or participate in the Naga Game combat tournament in front of thousands of spectators watching in real time. Freedom is absolutely yours.
Stan World will target existing community audiences and fandoms that will be adapted to the virtual world. This will allow users to facilitate Stan World’s fandom activities, most similar to how they interact in the real world, but in a more interesting way in virtual reality.


Pre-sale: 26 Sep 2019 – Oct 3 2019
Public sales: 03 Oct 2019 – 31 Oct 2019
Token supply: 1,000,000,000 STAN
Total tokens sold: 550,000,000 STAN
Soft cap: 5.000.000 USD
Hard cap: 30.000.000 USD

Info token

Ticker: STAN
Type: Utility-token
Price of tokens in USD: 1 STAN = 0.75 USD
Price of the token in ETH: 1 STAN = 0.0043 ETH
Accepted currencies: ETH, BTC, USD, EOS, LTC, TRX, XRP, ADA
Bonus program:
ICO Bonuses (bonuses for various stages):
Pre-Sales: $ 0.10 USD, 15% Bonus, 2019/09 / 26-10 / 10
Round 1: $ 0.25 USD, 10% Bonus, 2019/10 / 17-10 / 19
Round 2: $ 0.50 USD, 5% Bonus, 2019/10 / 24-10 / 26
Round 3: $ 0.75 USD, 5% Bonus, 2019/10 / 31-11 / 02
Token distribution:
55% – Token Sale
15% – Tim
10% – Mitra
10% – Marketing
10% – Suggestions
Budget allocation:
50% – Development
10% – Surgery
10% – Legal
10% – Marketing
10% – Creator Fund
10% – Suggestions

Roadmap Stan World

Q1 2020
Launch of K-pop Standom.
Sales of Coins + 5 ~ 10 Exchanges.
Creation tools recognize words.
The creation tool activates the production of virtual goods.
Blockchain activates a virtual goods referral reward system.
Kemitraan festival K-pop.
Q2-Q3 2020
Launch of Anime Standoms.
More listings on the exchange.
Creation tools recognize phrases.
The creation tool activates the production experience.
Blockchain activates the virtual goods market.
Comic-con partnership.
Q4 2020 – Q1 2021
Launch of Influencer Standoms.
Creation tool recognizes sentences.
The creation tool activates collaboration creation.
Blockchain activates collaboration payment systems.
Influencer a virtual fan meeting.
Influencers related to convention partnerships.
Q2-Q3 2021
Launch of Standoms Mitra.
Creation tools recognize paragraphs.
The creation tool activates game production.
The creation & blockchain tool activates the asset upload & reward system.
Blockchain activates a collaborator discovery system.
Blockchain activates the brand sponsorship system.
Q4 2021
Large launch campaign.
Launch streaming system.
Creation tools recognize stories.
The creation tool activates the production of VR content.
Blockchain activates the creator-support system.
An exclusive virtual event.

Project team



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