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INDDAIS Token: the perfect crypto journey

 Inddais is a community-based, high-principle cryptocurrency that aims to provide transparency in profit distribution by integrating timed yield fields and liquidity-locked smart contract vaults in its ecosystem. Inddais is the first cryptocurrency of its kind that empowers you to experience the highest power of blockchain technology by providing transparency, security and simplicity. We do not adopt risky market trading or crypto exchanges for profit, Inddais token is fully backed by mining which we have implemented worldwide loaded with high configuration tools and customized high performance software applications from our years of research and development.

Your investment in Inddais token does not have to face market luck or risk to continue to grow as it is fully backed by the best technology foundation we have laid. In this way, crypto users don't have to be afraid of market conditions, by holding Inddais tokens, any crypto investor can navigate all kinds of market conditions safely.

 Every token you buy will provide additional hashing power to our mining field. For this contribution of yours, we transfer 40% of the total daily mining yield to a blockchain implemented dividend vault (dINIS). The only key to gaining access to the funds in the vault is nothing more than the tokens you hold. All you have to do is place your tokens on the Inddais farm and proceed to reap the crypto rewards. The farm calculates your share of the treasury balance based on the number of tokens you have planted on the farm and the number of days you have grown them.


INIS adds value to your crypto portfolio by providing seamless transparency, liquidity and prosperity.

Posted via the BNB chain

INIS is bound by the BEP-20 standard and is in the BNB chain, which is known for its scalability, speed and security.

Transparency delivered

The underlying smart contract stores all state change transactions without exception to ensure transparent tokennomics.

Built-in sales facility

We understand the volatile financial cloud and therefore, if needed, you can immediately exchange some of your tokens for BNB coins

Futuristic implementation

The improved burn function and mint top cap function will allow us to effectively manage inflation or deflation.

Locked liquidity

We have restricted access to funds in the dividend treasury contract to agricultural fertile seeds to ensure a fair distribution of profits.

Simplified yield farming

The profit from the yield field is directly proportional to the growing treasury balance, the number of tokens seeded and their duration.


We firmly believe that a decentralized platform will empower people with the best financial opportunities in a secure and transparent environment. We strive to contribute the best solutions for an optimized crypto experience. Our mining rigs come with the latest architecture and are equipped with tailor-made computing applications that deliver amazing performance in speed, accuracy and stability.

With diverse crypto investments as our core idea, our mission is to contribute significant computing power to the blockchain community in a green environment. We do not limit our exploration to just increasing profitability or productivity, we are equally concentrated on introducing new methods and fully adopting the use of renewable energy sources in all of our mining sites.

Cryptocurrencies uniquely combine technology and economics. This requires good knowledge in both areas to ensure a prominent place in the market for any aspiring crypto professional. Crypto business plans without considering technical limitations or allocation of technical resources without knowing the financial possibilities — both will prevent the company's steady growth and sometimes lead to permanent decline.

How does it work?

Farm and vault contracts complement Inddais tokens where token holders are required to seed their tokens on the farm to receive their share of the profits stored in the vault.

Dividend Vault — Contract Inddais Dividend Vault (dINIS) is a place to transfer income generated from our business activities and which is further distributed among INIS token holders

Total Supply & Limits — The total supply of native tokens (dINIS) from the vault contract is one hundred tokens (100 tokens), which represents the percentage of the total used when calculating the user's share of the vault's BNB balance. There are only two holders of DINIS tokens, one is the Owner, and the other is the Farm. Owner transfers all DINIS tokens to Farm before Season Start

Dividend Payment- Whenever the contract receives a transfer request from the Plantation, it multiplies the amount of dINIS requested by the contract's BNB balance and divides it by the total balance of the Garden's dINIS. The contract then transfers the amount of BNB arriving based on this calculation to the Farm. The final beneficiary of the transfer from the vault is the Inddais user who has seeded his token in the Farm and requested to harvest the Proceeds.

Dividend Payment = (BNB Vault X balance of requested dINIS tokens) / dINIS Agriculture balance

Seeding & Harvesting — Users deposit (seeds) INIS tokens on the farm to receive dividend vault tokens (dINIS) as bonus (yield). The vault contract calculates the BNB equivalent value of the dINIS yield based on a set dividend payout formula and transfers the BNB when the user makes a request to withdraw the yield (harvest) from the Farm. The number of INIS tokens seeded by the user, the total seed created by all INIS users, and the duration of the token seed (calculated in seconds) in the farm are factors used to calculate the user's net yield


We do not limit ourselves to only providing hashpower for mining cryptocurrencies. Our mission includes researching specialized equipment, efficient multi-algorithm mining software, and energy-efficient methods to make decentralized economies a possibility for anyone and everyone.

A transparent and decentralized environment to benefit from blockchain evolution.

A simple but effective program that provides access to financial cryptocurrencies in their original form to everyone around the planet.

Actively engage in practices that include efficient energy-saving methods without compromising the security and availability of any blockchain network.



And thus, we have included an effective burning function for token holders who wish to give ownership of their Inddais tokens. The compensation displayed for the token burning transaction will be sent to your wallet after the burning is complete. For more information on how the burn function works, please read our whitepaper. You can always use our authorized sale or exchange facility to liquidate your tokens.



Yield farming is an integral part of the Inddais ecosystem where the purpose of purchasing Inddais tokens is met. We have included   the dINIS verifiable  dividend vault where we will continue to add to the profits generated from our business activities and you get access to the funds in the vault by seeding your Inddais Token. Your share depends on the number of tokens you seed combined with the number of days you didn't touch them.

Inddais Token Flow is as Simple as Rocket Science

Every token you buy will supply additional hash power to our mining farm. For this contribution of yours, we transfer 40% of the total daily mining yield to the dividend vault distributed on the blockchain (dINIS). The only key to gaining access to the funds in the vault is none other than the tokens you hold. All you have to do is sow your tokens at Inddais Farm and continue to harvest crypto yields. The farm calculates your share of the vault balance based on the number of tokens you have seeded on the farm and the number of days you have kept them.

Selling tokens is not Inddais' main job. We issue tokens to get a financial boost so we can stay ahead of the crypto mining race and make the most of it. However, that doesn't mean we won't get anything without a token sale. And that's why you don't see eye-catching ads or fancy ROI promises here. We are not "GO TO MOON GUYS" and are happy with the steady growth we have at BUMI. So, people who contact me for Marketing or Promotion, please have a clear presentation. But before all that, feel free to visit my website, video presentation, whitepaper, and articles on our sub-reddit. If you feel INDDAIS deserves to be promoted and if you believe you can make a difference in spreading the word, I'm open to discussing @amvlive and waiting for GOOD IMPRESSION.  if not,

dr. Mayilvahanan Arumugam


Dr.  Mayilvahanan Arumugam, is the founder & CEO of Inddais Crypto Ltd, holding a UG degree in computer science, an MBA in finance and a doctorate in Microeconomics. Being an expert coder in all verticals and an economist with the aim of transferring financial self-sufficiency from hypothesis to implementation, his rich knowledge in the subject and balanced business strategy will no doubt propel India towards lasting success and growth.

A decentralized economy is not in conflict with any authority; it is simply an aspiration towards impartial availability.

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